In traditional Samba bands the Tamborim is normally hand held and pitched extremely high. The Pearl PBT60C Brazilian Tamborim is a great little hand drum with a plastic head. It comes with a Quick-Draw Mount for fast change over from stand mounting to hand grip. This affords the percussionist the optional luxury for drum set players and percussionists to be able to mount the instrument off of a rack or holder thereby giving more freedom to play other instruments. There More Info »
The Contemporanea Ginga Tamborim is made in Brazil and designed for samba and similar styles of playing. It is 6" in diameter and has a plastic skin for durability and high pitched tuning. Reasonably priced and well constructed. Located in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Contemporanea is the choice of musicians and samba schools worldwide. They supply the top samba schools in Rio and Sao Paulo. Their instruments capture the authentic sound of samba and bossa nova.