Elvin Jones with Keiko
at Drummers World clinic in 2001
Steve Singer, drummer/photographer, was in attendance at Elvin’s 2001 clinic at Drummers World with camera ready. He took this pic of Elvin and his wife Keiko after the clinic as they were mingling with attendees. The “Elvin look” is obvious. His eyes rolling in combination with that grin could charm a snake!
I was at that clinic–it was on 9/12, the day after the big event. Elvin handled it with compassion and aplomb–talked a little, then just said to the bassist, “Play a blues” and everything went from there.
An amazing day.
How i miss that smile, those eyes, that sound and feel heard live and up close!
every real jazz drummer carries some Elvin inside their soul!
Elvin for sure! Hey, guys, I got two cymbals from you back in late 90’s. Had no idea you are back. Good to know.
Hey Vladimir hope all is well with you. Yes, we are online and if you need anything please let us know.