Wuhan Opera Gong
These are "bending" gongs. The pitches are ascending and descending and create a dramatic effect. They were/are used in Chinese Opera and now often in avant garde and more experimental musical situations. The 9" Wuhan Opera Gong we have found to be the most requested due to the responsive bending pitch A beater is included.
Wuhan Chau Gongs
Made in China for centuries, the Wuhan Chau Gongs have been favorites of international symphonies for years. They are hand-hammered in a one- piece cast and have a low resonance not found in many other gongs. They are adaptable to many musical situations and create an impressive effect. They are heavy and a stand (sold separately) would be recommended. A beater is included. Sizes listed are the most popular.
Wuhan Pasi Gong
We have found the Wuhan Pasi Gong to be a very popular low pitched gong for all around use. The lipped edge on the gong creates an immediate response and long sustain. Hand made in China, it is often used for Broadway shows and small ensembles. They are a great meditation gong and small and light enough for transport. Often played hand-held, we recommend the 15" size. A beater is included.